Finally at 5 weeks postpartum I basically feel like myself again. I enjoy coffee thank God. For a long time I hated the taste and smell, and I missed it. Finally I drink it daily and I love it black, or whatever. Also the weather is getting better. Now that I’m seven pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight I’m starting to work out 3 times a week. Still getting sore but I feel better. Starting to take more martial arts classes. It’s hard enough to do without feeling weak, but I think I’ll be back to normal soon. I feel very good about my weight even with a little extra skin I know that it takes some time for that to tighten, hopefully. I keep getting hurt or have joint pain, especially with the hormone relaxin in me still, I need to take it easy. Which is very hard for me because I want to immediately go back into class. I missed sparring and rolling, but I can wait a few more weeks until my body is in better shape. I am back to tracking calories more steadily then I was in pregnancy. I still allow myself wiggle room because I’m not training for anything, just trying to to get back to normal and add some strength, AND be able to breastfeed. Some days I find it’s harder to create milk when I have lower calories or if I work out too hard. But in the long run everything will work itself out. I am surprisingly not worried about those things. I feel very much like I/ my body was meant to do this and it is all good. Right now I’m 7 lb to pre pregnancy weight and I’m okay with that. Almost all of my previous clothes fit for the most part. Some just a little tight around the middle or I get a muffin top which is awful because I have always been pretty athletic for the most part.
Cheers to mommy life. It still feels weird AF to me